
Dr Emma managed to walk me through my personal problems of self confidence and trust, allowing me to get ready for my new chapter which was marriage.

In a short time I built up my confidence and self love with her guidance and tools. My partner and I worked with Dr Emma for couples therapy as well and this was sincerely a breakthrough. We’re communicating and understanding each other better than ever now thanks to her guidance.

Thank you for all your hard work and support.


I first read Mind Body Diabetes because I noticed it was book of the month in my regular magazine so I wanted to see if it could help me. The book turned out to be a brilliant help so I contacted the publishes to thank Dr Em and see if I could work with her. Em very kindly agreed to letter sessions as I prefer to write, and I worked on all kinds of issues. During our work I was able to completely come off certain medication, my overall health has improved and people have seen a big difference in my confidence. I feel so different and have lots of plans. Em has really helped me in many ways and has always been on hand if and when I’ve need her support.
Maureen Peace, Charity volunteer and life explorer, Norfolk

I saw Em in August 2011 in order to give up chocolate. Whilst I thought I really wanted to do this to lose weight, Em straight away spotted many other things I did not even realise. As I insisted I needed to give up chocolate anyway, Em agreed to do some work with me to sort my chocolate addiction instantly (for
the time being). However she advised me that if I worked on some other areas of my life, the problem was more likely to resolve itself and no longer be a
problem at all.

The instant work we did really helped me and amazingly I’ve had none of the chocolate I was addicted to, I’ve even been losing a few pounds too.

Regarding other areas of my life, I was very unsure about exploring these but I found Em really comfortable to talk to and she defiantly hit the spot so I took her advice.

From the work we have done so far I have experienced amazing results and I intend to continue when I am able to return from my work. Thanks so far and see you soon .x.

Fran, London, Property Entrepreneur

“Having suffered severe traumatic anxiety for the majority of my life, through seeing Dr Em in practice and applying everything in her book, I’ve learned how to step out of my comfort zone and seriously break boundaries to experience an amazing life that was once unimaginable. From being told since childhood I’d always be on antidepressants to now being medication-free, I’m a happy, healthy and successful 23-year-old. Thank you so much, and a brilliant read encapsulating everything!”
Jasmine Doughty

Civil Servant and Positive Change Advocate

I contacted Em at the Pinnacle Practice as I was desperately worried about a friend who was suffering from severe depression and health problems made worse by financial, emotional and practical issues such as unemployment, housing issues and a relationship breakup. Nothing seemed to help him and the problems had been with him for eight years – I was not sure what or who to turn to. But then he agreed to meet up with Em, as a one-off (having had negative experiences with most professionals before).
Em’s sensitive, highly perceptive, affirming approach combined with her professional experience and effective techniques for dealing with all types of psychological and personal issues have really done the trick. I can hardly believe the difference in my friend’s attitude and outlook on life.

Having seen my friend ‘stuck’ for so long, I can say that Em has done more to help in the last 12 months than anyone else could in the last 8 years. I expected some improvement, but I am amazed at the turn around – not only in his mental and physical health but also his practical circumstances, as Em has taken a truly rounded approach, providing advice, resources, and support to improve all areas of life – not treating him as a patient but as a person. I can whole-
heartedly recommend Em’s services and commend her and John’s dedication to improving all aspects of people’s lives through such excellent support techniques”.

Annette Stewart, Cambridge

I started seeing Em for psychotherapy in November 2010 and her warmth, compassion and friendliness was striking, she seemed to look inside my mind and get to the heart of my problems (social anxiety, trauma, pre-diabetes, etc.) in an amazing way. For sure she is a magician of the mind and worked wonders for my self-esteem with special techniques and understanding. I do see and experience life differently these days thanks to Em. So much was I impressed that I recommended Em and John to my partner and also our friend all who had complex problems. Thanks so much
Zoe R, Creative Arts Specialist

I seriously pushed my boundaries and found great inspiration from reading Mind Body Diabetes, alongside speaking with Em. Following this I got to read a pre-published copy of Emma’s second book Out of Your Comfort Zone which I found to be an incredibly powerful and enlightening read in so many ways, the perfect resource taking me to new and exciting heights with my life in general. A truly excellent book for whatever stage of life you’re at, with whatever fears or hold-backs you may have.
Jo Berry, Public Speaker, Conflict Resolution Consultant and Peace Activist

Having experienced life at my lowest ebb to the extent I was ready to end it all, I can say 100 per cent that Em made an enormous difference in the way I saw life in general. Without all her help, basically everything she’s put in her books and her natural manner to add a certain sense of humour and solution in even the darkest times, I would have been pushed over the edge. Thanks to all our work I’m a totally different person from that time and for sure out of my comfort zone, pushing new boundaries like you wouldn’t believe! Thank you so much Em.
Vincent Shay

Ex Military Personnel, Out Door Pursuits Trainer and Youth Leader

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