Amidst all the hype and here say, type 2 diabetes can in truth, be completely reversed; and it doesn’t have to involve any expensive pills, surgery, or senseless diet fads. Nor does it have to be overwhelming or complicated, it just requires making some all-round positive changes in your life, starting from deep within.

If you apply the following 7 proven ways to reverse diabetes collectively as a multi-pronged approach, there is every reason you can fully and successfully reverse your condition, seeing vast improvements to your health very quickly.


It has been profusely evidenced of how an overall positive out-look and attitude makes all the difference when it comes to taking control of our health, and has led patients to triumph over medical diagnoses.

This is because mind-set is everything; our thoughts affect our emotions and our emotions determine our behaviour, our health, and the results we get in life. Therefore, by mastering this cognitive cycle, the rest will always follow.

For example, if we look at some of the key factors for the on-set of type 2 diabetes; stress, diet, and sedentary lifestyle. But when we look beyond such factors as to why an individual might engage in such habits in the first place we arrive at factors that lie deep within our psychology like various pressures, trauma, sadness, depression, self-neglect and so on – quite literally and meta-physically, lacking sweetness in life (hence physically over compensating for this). Ultimately, everything pertains to mind-set, emotions, behaviour, and how our body’s respond physically.

In one major study of 400 spontaneous remissions of cancer, later interpreted by Elmer and Alyce Green of the Menninger Clinic, found that all patients had one thing in common: Every person had changed their attitudes before their remissions, changing their thinking to being hopeful, courageous, pro-active and positive.

When it comes to Successfully reversing type 2 diabetes and maintaining this for life it is no different. The right mind-set will always ensure the necessary determination and resourcefulness needed.

Here are some key characteristics observed in patients who have triumphed over medical diagnosis;

  • An unshakable confidence and belief in the body’s ability to utilise its own wisdom to encourage and facilitate healing with the right guidance.
  • Strong goals, focus on creativity, and sense of purpose – something worth fighting for and a life worth living.
  • Good humour, positive and cheerful attitude.
  • The absence of panic when things don’t always go according to plan (focussing on what can pro-actively and positively be done going forward)
  • Taking a full share of responsibility for their own health and establishing a close ‘partner relationship’ with their physicians.


Establish clear, specific, and determined goals

In line with classic goal theory and research we know there is a clear relationship between goal setting and improved performance. It is also the case that very specific goals as opposed to vague or abstract ones make all the difference in attainment.

All successes start with a goal, but to turn these goals into a real outcome they need to be clearly defined, measured, and driven by a strong motivation and purpose, especially when reversing diabetes.

Here are some simple pointers you can apply in developing a solid goal.

  • What is your motivation and for what purpose? Is this strong enough to ensure you take action?
  • Take small daily steps toward your goal & make yourself accountable.
  • Apply the process of SMART goals to make your goal specific, measurable, realistic, and achievable.
  • Have bench marks along your journey, and reward yourself accordingly.
  • Apply clear, detailed, and specific visualisation of your successful outcome using all your senses (see below for more specific details of this)


Emotional Well-Being

There is much evidence showing that it is only when there is a significant change in emotional well-being, that successful physical reversal ensues and remains. There are also widely documented cases of unexpected medical recoveries and healing only when the emotional root cause of any condition has been successfully addressed.

In this case, as the root cause of type 2 diabetes can ultimately be traced back to negative emotion, specifically a lack of sweetness in life leading to the physical changes that eventually manifest as type 2 diabetes; it’s essential to address these so as to avoid any future repeats and relapse, encourage excellent blood glucose control, and a strong immune system.

To make any permanent positive change to our physical health, having a good awareness that all health is indicative of our thought patterns and emotions, has proven key.

This is because every single thought and emotion we have, affects every single cell in our body. That’s the mind and body connection; everything we think and feel, scientifically affects us physically (whether we like it or not). This is because the same electro-chemicals that carry our thoughts and transmit information from one cell to another, also bathe every single cell throughout the body, so the mind and body are constantly communicating with one another.

Our thoughts and emotions affect the bio-chemistry of the brain which in turn sends specific signals to the body, subsequently causing it to make further bio-chemical changes, which ultimately transpire and manifest as various symptoms and physical health conditions.

For example, we know that stress is a major factor in developing diabetes. It contributes to poor control and directly raises blood glucose.

This is because when we begin to feel stressed the brain releases a chemical called corticotrophin which signals to the pituitary gland to produce adrenocorticotropic hormone which in turn signals to the adrenals in the body to produce adrenaline and cortisol.

Not only is cortisol a potent immune system suppressor causing host of undesirable physical effects that we commonly associate with stress, it also causes insulin resistance. Adrenaline and cortisol also work directly on the liver to break down stored glucose to be released back into the blood stream, therefore resulting in increased blood glucose.

It’s therefore vital that to successfully reverse diabetes, the initial emotional root cause is worked on, along with doing everything possible to ensure continued emotional well-being.


Dietary changes

We know that making changes to diet is a major key component in the reversal of T2 diabetes, but this doesn’t need to be complicated if we focus on the evidenced results and look at the big picture. You can then work out what is best for you to apply, given your preferences.       

In one successful study conducted at Newcastle University ( it has been proved that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed quickly through dietary changes – in one to eight weeks.

This study was carefully designed to assess the results of a dramatic dietary change on Type 2 diabetes. Volunteers with Type 2 diabetes were asked to consume protein shakes and a low-glycaemic-load, plant-based, low-calorie dietbut not to exercise over the eight weeks of the study.  After just one week, participants had reversed most features of their diabetes – and all features of their diabetes by the end of eight weeks.

In total, 11 people with diabetes (nine men and two women) were studied and compared with a control group. Through sophisticated techniques, including MRI imaging, they measured the participants’ blood sugar and insulin responses, cholesterol levels, and fat in the pancreas and liver (some of the hallmarks of diabetes) before and after dietary changes at one, four, and eight weeks.

What they found was quite astonishing. The beta cells (the pancreas’s insulin-producing cells) woke up, and the fat deposits in the pancreas and liver went away. Blood sugars normalised in just one week. Triglycerides dropped by half in one week, and reduced 10-fold in eight weeks. The body’s cells became more insulin sensitive and, essentially, in just eight weeks, all evidence of diabetes was gone and the once ‘patients with diabetes’ looked just like the normal controls on all the testing.

Further to this we know that there is plenty of empirical evidence that lower carbohydrate diets and vegan regimes can also result in the successful reversal of T2 diabetes.

From working successfully with people myself, other successful individuals I know of, several studies and cases across the globe, and having made strides with my own T1 diabetes (and I know of one case where I am actually on less insulin than an individual with T2 diabetes); a lower carbohydrate regime, combined with a vegan lifestyle has proven to have extremely successful. Equally I have tested both regimes in isolation and they still generate powerful results.

In any case, regarding diet, any healthy regime that allows the body to rest and regenerate as a consequence of not having to process excess sugars and have its precision hindered and blocked by excess fat, as well as including majorly beneficial nutrients that can actually assist in repairing the body naturally, and function to help with the processing of carbohydrates (derived from specific fruits, vegetables, and plant sources); is a major factor in reversing type 2 diabetes.

Some other good authorities that you can research for specific diets for T2 reversal are:

Dr Neal Barnard MD  – Vegan Diet Advocate, researcher, and regime

Dr Cheng Ruan MD – – Reversal cases and regime

Dr Em Mardlin PhD – – The Acceleration Plan


Lifestyle Adjustments

In one particular study we see how the positive impact of lifestyle interventions on Type 2 diabetes make a significant difference, and can greatly accelerate the reversal process.

This study randomly assigned patients with Type 2 diabetes in groups to receive either 10 sessions of biofeedback and relaxation or three sessions of diabetes education. All sessions were individual, and a total of 39 participants was enrolled, of which 30 completed the three-month study. HbA1c (average three-monthly blood glucose), forehead muscle tension, and peripheral skin temperature were measured, and participants were also scored for depression and anxiety, before and after the study.

This study showed that biofeedback (instrumentally measured awareness of manipulated physiological functions using natural techniques) and relaxation significantly decreased blood glucose levels and muscle tension, compared with the control group (those receiving diabetes education). At the three-month follow-up, the biofeedback group continued to show a decreased blood sugar level and decreased their scores on the depression and anxiety inventories.

Research has also shown that meditation can significantly reduce stress and blood glucose levels, and improve self-care to better manage and accelerate reversing T2 diabetes. This, in turn, was found to motivate people to exercise more and therefore led to better sugar-level control.

Such research shows that making this type of adaptation to an individual’s lifestyle can assist dramatically in improving, stopping, and reversing diabetes.

Below are important proven factors to greatly assist in the reversal process of T2 diabetes.


Although it’s actually been proven that type 2 diabetes can be reversed through dietary changes alone, if we look at the reasons why this is so, we conversely see how increased activity and exercise has the same potential. More over activity has the power to accelerate T2 reversal and improve general health overall, which is key to ensuring permanent reversal.

Being active helps the body to burn fat, calories, and sugar.

Increased activity generates endorphins (feel good chemicals) therefore warding off emotional eating and excessive stress.

Being active also improves general health and fitness levels, helping to support a stronger immune system to repair and maintain the body.

So the more active you can become, the better all round to take this condition in hand and get it reversed sooner rather than later.

Reducing Stress

We discussed above the direct impact of stress increasing blood glucose levels and supressing the immune system, so applying affective techniques, strategies, and coping methods for stress and anxiety reduction is imperative if you are to successfully reverse type 2 diabetes.

Good Sleep

Aim for a good 7–8 hours of sleep every night to invigorate and refresh health. Sleep is the body’s natural healing time. This is because during deep sleep, the production of growth hormone is at its peak. Aside from maintaining glucose levels during sleep, growth hormone speeds up the absorption of nutrients and amino acids into the cells and aids the healing of tissues throughout the entire nervous system. Growth hormone also stimulates bone marrow, where the immune system cells are born, and these naturally protect us against illness as well as aiding healing.

Melatonin, often called the sleep hormone, is produced by the pineal gland in our brain at dusk to help us get to sleep and then throughout the night while we sleep deeply. This is important because this hormone inhibits tumours from growing, stimulates the immune system, increases antibodies in saliva, prevents viral infections, has antioxidant properties, and enhances the quality of sleep. Sleep is therefore crucial to dramatically improve and stop diabetes.

Studies show the value of maintaining a steady and natural rhythm in sleep patterns. Researchers at the University of Toronto Centre for Sleep and Chronobiology (Moldofsky et al, 1975) reveal important insights into how sleep heals.

Dr. Moldofsky conducted a study examining how the immune system reacts to sleep deprivation. Researchers examined natural killer cells, a component of the immune system that attacks bacteria, viruses, and tumours. During the study, 23 men slept about eight hours for the first four nights. On the fifth night, researchers woke up the men at 3 a.m., giving them four hours less sleep than usual. This one interruption to their sleep pattern caused the activity of the natural killer cells to decrease by more than a quarter the next day.

It is important to note here that general research suggests that just three hours’ sleep loss leads to a 50 percent reduction in immune system efficiency. Melatonin reaches its maximum potential about an hour after we fall into a deep sleep, so after this time, the body’s repair systems go into full swing. We must capitalize on this to achieve full health, healing, and well-being.


Scientific studies show regular meditation can:

  • Lower blood glucose levels
  • Lower blood pressure and improve circulation
  • Increase energy and creativity
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Release stress, fatigue, and toxins
  • Extend our life by approximately 10 years
  • Aid in looking and feeling more youthful
  • Provides more psychological rest than a full night’s sleep from just thirty minutes meditation.
  • Aids decision making and productivity.

Such pointers will intrinsically help with the reversal of diabetes, given all the former points discussed. Body scan meditation and Kundalini meditation are particularly powerful, see Mind Body Diabetes Ch.5 or visit blogs and guides.



Visualisation is an incredibly powerful technique, and when it is properly understood and applied it has fantastic results. As the mind generally thinks in pictures and uses all our senses to create memory, using strong imagery can engrave positive messages deep into our neurology and effect physical changes. This is primarily because the part of the mind responsible for running and maintaining our body 24/7 on autopilot is unable to recognise the difference between what is real and what is not real, if we visualise something with enough clarity and detail. But this must be very clear and specific, using all our senses.

Through using PET scan technology, it is known that the same parts of the brain are activated whether subjects are vividly imagining something or experiencing the reality of it. The nerve firing and chemical release is so similar, powerful neurotransmitters allow the mind to influence the body in the same way.

If you’ve ever had a very realistic, vivid dream and woken up either crying, laughing, or perhaps disturbed, or unsettled by it, then you have experienced this. Although it is ‘just a dream’, it stimulated a physical response because your body believed it to be real and responded accordingly. You may even have had to question if something has really happened or not, when you have simply dreamt about it.

There are numerous well documented clinical and medical case studies where patients have successfully used visualisation to shrink tumours and rid the body of cancer, through to visualising away arthritis.

Similarly, we can use visualisation to assist in the process of reversing type 2 diabetes in two ways. The first being clinically, to activate positive physical changes within the body such as encouraging the natural stimulation of insulin producing beta cells and storage of glucose. The second being the visualisation of achieving your end goal in order to embed this into your neurology so you are wholly focussed, engaged, and expecting of full reversal.

This is important because if we see something with enough detail and clarity, our minds will instruct our bodies to physically respond accordingly and make the necessary changes. Speaking personally and professionally by way of empirical evidence, visualisation has a very powerful and positive affect in improving diabetes and accelerating the reversal of type 2 diabetes.


Establishing an encouraging and positive support network

The link between health management and support networks has been researched extensively in the social and behavioral sciences, suggesting that overall positive and pro-active family, social, and professional support can benefit patients’ health by buffering stress, changing affective states, increasing self-efficacy, and influencing change in negative health behaviors.

Research found that practical and emotional support received by both family and friends had a positive influence on global measures of diabetes management and a meta-analytic review of 122 empirical studies found that adherence to their health regimes was 27% higher when patients had practical support available to them.

As we often naturally mirror similar traits to those who we regularly interact with; it is key to ensure this is as positive, pro-active and encouraging as possible. It’s well known that negativity breeds and de-motivates individuals, and the reversal of type 2 diabetes takes dedication, positivity, and a pro-active attitude toward health. Therefore, a positive environment and support network is known to make a significant difference to the successful reversal of this condition.

Further to this a positive, forward thinking health care team is also known to make a positive difference regarding motivation.

Empirical evidence also suggests that when engaging in any dedicated health regime, being surrounded by like-minded peers engaging in the same process is of great benefit to help with feeling able to openly confide and having an external source to compare and measure personal progress with.


Dr Emma Mardlin, Psychotherapist & lecturer, Clinical Practitioner in Mind Body Medicine at The Pinnacle Practice & Author of Mind Body Diabetes, a positive, powerful and proven way to stop diabetes once and for all, Type 1 and Type 2.